What if the pain was simply in your jaw?
Have you asked yourself the right questions?

Médaillé Lépine
Gold medalist at the Lépine Paris competition 2005

Médaillé de la SFMS
Medalist of the French Society of Sports Medicine
Jaw opening exercises: I used to suffer from jaw pain because I clenched my teeth when I was asleep, which caused pain in the neck on the left side and this extended to the muscles in my left shoulder.
Since I bought the device and tried it for 2 months, I've felt an improvement. I TELL PEOPLE ABOUT IT!...
I'd like to share my experience as a therapist and postural balance practitioner.
My consultants are delighted with the Head balance device:
- easy to use
- rapid results in terms of relaxation and stress reduction
- improved breathing, especially at night
- rebalancing of the jaw (clicking, grinding)
- stops migraines, especially when they start
- tinnitus, dizziness.
3 minutes to relieve so many aches and pains, and with no side effects, why deprive yourself?
I have been using the HEADBALANCE device invented by
the HEADBALANCE device invented by Mr.
PFENNIG and patented at the LEPINE competition.
This device, which I use regularly in the morning and evening, has
helped me to manage numerous cases of tendonitis
career as a documentalist (intensive and
intensive and "harmful" use of the mouse and keyboard + recurrent
recurrent handling of numerous filing cabinets)
Now retired, I have developed a slight bilateral
bilateral rhizarthrosis (an after-effect of my career!) which
however, can also be 'managed and regulated harmoniously
harmoniously' by daily use of HEADBALANCE
daily use of HEADBALANCE (relaxation of the
muscles by relaxing the jaw muscles... with obvious
with obvious repercussions on the muscles
wrist muscles and joints)!